Juice Tip of the Day, Cabbage!
February 03, 2015
Juice Tip of the Day, Cabbage! Did you know cabbage increases the body's antioxidant defenses? Cabbage has more phytochemicals with anticancer properties than any other vegetable. The higher the intake of raw cabbage juice the lower the rate of cancer, particularly prostate, colon, lung and breast cancer.
Loving the Apples
May 15, 2014
Apples are one of my favorite fruits to juice. I love this detoxifying fruit! There are many varieties of apples packed with soluble fiber, minerals and the nutrients our bodies need. An apple a day helps to keep the doctor away, an old familiar saying. Well, there is much truth to the saying so long as you are eating and drinking organic apples....
I Touch Myself Project Is The Best PSA
April 16, 2014
There is a movement going on, and it’s a great movement. Women are touching their breast. How many of us touch or examine our breast? I do; I am proud to touch my breast.