After being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, founder Sonia Terboss knew she had to take drastic measures to fight her disease. A spiritual person and an eternal optimist by nature, Sonia did her best to keep her spirits up as she underwent traditional methods of treatment, including lumpectomy and radiation. “I connected to my inner guide and learned how to help my doctors in healing my body,” she says.
Before undergoing a lumpectomy and radiation, Sonia began to integrate juicing into her daily lifestyle, consuming 64 oz of veggie juice 5 days a week and on the weekend 32oz each day of berry smoothies.

As she juiced Sonia began to witness the healing and nurturing benefits of juicing, her doctor confirmed that her tumor was shrinking. In addition, Sonia realized that her complexion and hair were also improving. After her lumpectomy, through the encouragement of her doctor Sonia began an organic eating lifestyle.
Juicing did not only help Sonia’s doctors to heal her body; it created a whole new way of life for her. Juicing has led to a lifestyle change that now includes daily consumption of organic juices and healthy nutrition, exercising and meditation. Sonia believes when these elements are combined, she achieves a balanced life. She practices Ashtanga and Sivananda yoga and enjoys running, meditation, dancing, and living and loving life.
Sonia created Spajuicebar to help people transform their lives the way she did with organic raw juice nutrition. “The Spajuicebar way empowers people to believe in their own nurturing and healing abilities for an enhanced lifestyle. Healing starts within, all things happen deep within ourselves before manifesting physically and mentally. I believe the nutrients existing within vegetables, fruit and herbs provides healthier alternatives to nurturing, energizing and cleansing the body,” she says.